Buitenwerkplaats* Starnmeer – Maud Aartsen and Dagobert Bergmans

Starnmeer portrait 2015 was a project to create portraits of the farmers of Starnmeer in different ways. I asked three farm familites from Starnmeer to draw maps of their farms and the surroundings. The drawings and the stories bring all of the pieces of the farm business together and form a portrait. The result of the sessions was a series of large maps which the stories which belong to them.

Thanks to – Maud Aartsen and Dagobert Bergmans, the commissioning party; the Buis family with Ed, Nel, Siem, Tin and the younger generation Daan, Emmy, Janneke and Mieke; the Jongens family with Gerard and Immie and the younger generation Ingrid, Kees and Martijn; the Slooten family with Jaap, Jannie, Annie and the younger generation Cees and Erik. Test Louise Koopman. Volunteers Saar Frieling and Bill Wei. Other artists and researchers: labor- and organisation psychologist Barbara Bouwman, anthropologist Vivian Evertse, photographer Dominique Panhuysen and illustrator Joke Koelemeijer.


* Studio in the countryside