by Ida van der Lee | Mar 1, 2019
In Memory Things objects function as mediators. You carry out a conversation through the object, because it brings up associations or represents something. Telling stories is easier and fun. Memory things help people communicate from the heart. The large collection...
by Ida van der Lee | Feb 1, 2019
Time Office The Time Office is a visual way of making participants aware that there is clock time and ritual time. It is light and philosophical. The Time Office was developed for All Souls’ Day Everywhere, but it is also an important part of Names and Numbers....
by Ida van der Lee | Jan 1, 2019
Dining with the Dead During All Souls’ Day dine with the dead at this sumptuously decorated table set with embroidery, damask, crystal and silver. Next-of-kin can reserve a place for their dearly beloved by writing a text on an empty plate, something they always...
by Ida van der Lee | Dec 1, 2018
The Goose Path represents the path of life, whereby fate, the dice, and free will determine how it is travelled. The player chooses an image based on a question, or lands on an image by the roll of the dice, fate. It results in stories and new insights. Performed...
by Ida van der Lee | Nov 1, 2018
Game of the Oracle In the classic age people asked the Oracle for advice. You receive a mysterious text which you have to decipher. It is The Game of the Oracle works with words, images and associations with which a group can develop an oracle. They are poetic but...